Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It Has Come...

Yes that is right... My brand spanking new camera come in the mail today. I am so overly impressed by the few shots I have taken that I am freaking out inside a little bit. This is going to take my pics to a new level and I'm just overcome with excitement! I am shooting the lovely Rachel Morgan Thursday morning so this will be amazing! I cannot believe the quality and clarity of the pics in low light!!! I always had to work around this problem with my other camera... Its unreal people!!!
If you're wondering I purchased the Canon 550d. It's 18.1 megapixels, shoots 1080 HD Video (yay!) and does some amazing other things that I can't wait to try out... well worth the price paid and God knows I worked my tush off to get this! Anyway just a lil update.. pics coming soon of the past 5 shoots I have done in last 2 weeks...

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