Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New business cards/rep cards

So recently I was approved, as a professinal photographer, to offer high quality prints through a printing press that serves only pros. I was very excited because I felt that brought me to a whole new level.. from hobbyist to beginning professional. They offer us a lot of different marketing tools including these which they call "rep" cards. So for each type of special that I offer, I'll have a rep card so that I can market to specific targets when necessary.. granny may not need a boudoir card lol, but more of a family card.. you get it right? So I just got my modeling rep cards (1st pic below) and ordered them on high gloss, they look amazing.. and Nicole's the model. Below is a boudoir card with Danielle modeling. The finish is AMAZING in person, its called "pearl" and it is so beautiful, but doesnt show all its glory on the picture.. Remember if you refer anyone to me that books a shoot, the referrer gets $20 cash. That special will always be something I offer :)

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