Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friends and Fans of Morgan Photography... Please Help!

As I have reflected on my past year, I feel I am so blessed in so many ways and my business is growing at such an amazing rate, I can't be thankful enough! I have all my friends and your referrals to thank. I have this strong desire and need to give back, it tugs at my heart and I think about it constantly.. what can I do? Who can I help? Here is what I need from all of you...

I am donating a photo session to a family in need. If you know of a family that is overcome by circumstances that make them deserving of a beautiful and totally free family session, please send an email to (MorganArtistry@gmail.com) with their story and why you feel they are deserving of a special session. Include their name and contact information. I will make my decision in about 3 weeks. The family must reside in Southern California.  Also let me know if you would like to remain anonymous or for me to let them know that this was a special gift from you.

There are no strings attached, I'm not going to try and get them to buy prints, in fact I am going to donate a nice sized package of professional prints as well. I really want them to have an amazing experience from beginning to end. So please submit your stories/entries as soon as you can so I can review them. I won't be publishing any of these stories online, I know this will be a hard decision but the more information you can email regarding the family and your feelings, the better I can make a decision.

As a special "thank you" for taking the time to do this, anyone sending me stories will receive 20% off any photo session they book in the next 3 months!

Thanks again friends! xoxo Roxanne Morgan

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